Monday, September 29, 2014

Web 2.0 Wiki

  1. What is an editorial ?An editorial is a type of article that's being prepared for publication .
  2. What my teachers have said was...that Wikipedia is a bad website that all people get to edit and they put the wrong information so if you go to Wikipedia ans search for something like someones biography like Michael Jackson  you'll get the wrong information because it could be from another person like Whitney Houston.
  3. I've asked to use Wikipedia as my research source in history and language arts and my teachers have told me that if you want to get the wrong information go for it...that you'll really like it when you'll see a big ZERO.
  4. After reading the article i guess i do believe that its changed because...if collage kids are using it why not the little freshman's in Highschool they can love Wikipedia if the teachers don't say anything.
  5. I say that we should! use Wikipedia as a helpful resource.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Web 2.0: Multimedia Blog Posting Sem 2_Pre

                                                                WORLD HISTORY!

      The teacher information i have seen for Ms.G in the website, is good enough for a smart people , but like i'll need extra more details so i get the website what she's all about and all her teaching what she likes teaching and doing so a student knows what kind teacher she is. So here's the website of Ms.G overview:  
       what I expect to learn in my first class is on how learn about the renaissance and what they're all about, and how people lived back then suffering and everything old ages like for example , how the renaissance was created?                                 

So far,what i have learned to date is to how to get to class and how the teachers here are very kind to you and that they are here for you whenever you need them. However you still need to pay a lot of attention because the teacher is doing there job but, also you need to pay attention where your going         to learn something everyday.

I kind of like the grading policy since it recently changed for ALGEBRA I Mr.Santangelo's class and ENGLISH I class Ms.Hunter because many students don't do their work and make up excuses but now to make it fair they change the grading policy.  

          The technology in class it's okay because i came from Moonachie school and they had brand new apple laptops like they were right out of the box, however we also got to use the Ipads but its alright in WoodRidge you really have to learn how to use the old technology because we need to know how people before used to suffer with computers .

Monday, September 15, 2014

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

what i learned from the website of copyright that every picture and every document has to be  copyrighted  because or else it wouldn't be someones work. what i also learned is that copyright is a federal law that protect work of authorship.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Apple's new Swift keyboard

Apple finally has a new swift keyboard. Its actually pretty good for people who have trouble spelling or typing, it also helps bad spelling habits.Google uses swift keyboard it has been most downloadable app for Google. Eventually it's coming in handy when iOS 8 releases out this Tuesday with a lot of new features !